Providing London with free and low cost therapy

Howard Hodgkin, Ice, 2013
Courtesy of the Estate of Howard Hodgkin

Trustees’ Report and Annual Accounts

© Angus Brown

At the end of each financial year, CPU London Trustees produce a report on the changes and progress made by the charity over the past year. The report also includes a summary of our accounts. Trustees’ Report and Accounts can also be found on the Charity Commission website.

Download and read our most recent Trustees’ Report and Accounts:

Previous years:

Helena Bonham Carter

Jonathan Bloch
Dr Caroline Dickinson
David Rothschild

Alon Gurfinkel
Dr Marek Koperski

Juliet Rosenfeld
Abigail Schama
Lord Stewart Wood

Jo Brand
Michael Brearley
Philip Collins
Sandford Loudon


We would like to sincerely thank those clients who give what they are able to contribute towards the cost of their sessions, individual donors and all of our volunteers for their generous support.

We would particularly like to thank all our donors who contribute regularly to keep our service free of charge for those who cannot afford to pay.

We would also like to thank players of the National Lottery and all of our organisational donors, in particular:

The Albert Hunt Trust
The Big Give
Bluston Charitable Settlement
City Bridge Foundation
The Grace Trust
The Helen Hamlyn Trust

The Henry Smith Charity
Jan and Belinda Pethick Charitable Fund
The Lady Ryder of Warsaw Memorial Trust
Mrs Smith & Mount Trust
Peter Stebbings Memorial Charity
The Reed Foundation

The Sybil Shine Memorial Trust
The Trelix Charitable Trust
William Allen Young Charitable Trust
The Yellow Heart Trust